Product Updates

Sunsetting Fire

By The Fire Team

Today, we announce a significant transition: the sunset of Fire Extension, our web3 security tool, effective April 8th. This decision was not made lightly, but with a vision towards a more impactful future.

Fire Extension began with a mission to make web3 safe and simple. Thanks to your support, we've made great strides in protecting our community from threats and enhancing their crypto security. We're incredibly proud of what we've accomplished together, including:

  • ~60,000 users protected from web3 vulnerabilities.
  • A robust platform that thwarted countless security threats.
  • A community of dedicated users who believed in our vision.

However, as we navigated through the complexities of web3 security, it became clear that our ambitions could serve an even greater purpose. Thus, we're shifting our focus to Iceberg, a non-custodial crypto trading app. Iceberg represents the evolution of our mission, aiming to make crypto accessible, secure, and user-friendly for everyone.

What This Means for Our Users

  • Fire Extension will be discontinued on April 8th. We recommend users transition their security measures and explore alternatives to ensure uninterrupted protection.
  • We're dedicating our efforts to building a cutting-edge trading platform that prioritizes security, ease of use, and accessibility. Sign up here for updates.

Looking Ahead

Change is the only constant in start-ups, and we're excited about the path ahead with Iceberg. We're committed to leveraging our expertise in security and user experience to redefine consumer crypto.

We extend our deepest gratitude to every Fire Extension user for your trust and support. Stay tuned for updates on Iceberg, and join us as we embark on this exciting next chapter.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

The Fire Team

If you’re exploring Ethereum, check out Fire!

We’re a trusted chrome extension that simulates transactions before you sign any potentially malicious smart contract.
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To Summarize